It’s over!! It’s all finished, exams passed, water presentations passed and I’m holding my certificate in my hands and can’t stop staring at it. I’ve done it – I’m a PADI Diving Instructor!
The last two days have been nerve-racking to say the least. First we had to hop over to Koh Tao, where the exams were taking place this time. Once we got settled, it was an early start with the written exams. As I turn the paper and start reading I say a big thank you to Dave for all the exams he made us sit, because now I know that it has helped in two ways. Firstly the ‘fear’ of sitting exams has all but left me, it’s like a daily activity to me now, but secondly I’m confident in all my answers and nothing comes as too much of a surprise!
Exams passed, its onto the confined water session. There are over 60 people completing the Instructor Exams and I’m amazed at how efficiently we are all organised. With 60 people to test in the pool, I was sure it was going to take all day, but before we knew it, it was Sail Rocks turn and in the water we went. I had been given the skill of regulator recovery and I was very happy with that, as it was also the skill I had been allocated during the IDC! Surely the examiners couldn’t come up with anything worse than Dave had. I easily spot the error of not blowing bubbles, correct it quickly and the examiner moves onto the next person. Is that it??? I start doubting myself, and my nerves return on the debrief.
After our group had finished, the examiner smiles and tells us that we all passed this section. I allow myself a quick ‘yey’ before remembering there is still another day and 2 more assessments ahead of us.
The second day is a long one, but soon enough, it’s the last section. The Rescue scenario is actually something you are taught on the Rescue Course, but it’s vital that an Instructor is really polished at this in the case of an emergency, so every candidate has to complete this scenario with efficiency and confidence. Everyone is tired and mentally exhausted so I make a deal with my brain that I will give it a lovely long rest if it just stays alert for another half hour. Luckily I’m called quickly and with all the calm and confidence I can muster, the rescue commences. One one thousand, two one thousand, three one thousand, four one thousand, breathe. All whilst doing a rather good impression of an octopus as I de-kit myself and my ‘victim’. Before I know it, I’m told to stop. Is this good or bad? Don’t let me fail at the last hurdle…..I’m informed my rescue was a success and that means…………………………..I’ve passed the whole thing, every last bit, and I’m now ready to swap the rain for the sun, my work commute for a walk along the beach and my uniform for a bikini.
Tonight Sail Rock Divers are holding a party for the new Instructors and I’ll be there with bells on (but not with the Necklace of Shame on, that has gone into retirement until the next IDC in June, I think we wore it out!)
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